Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First day of school

Today was the first day of first grade. It was drizzling when we headed off to school which made it fun because we dodged puddles and used our umbrellas. Griffin was not nervous at all and marched right in that school like he'd be going there for years. I was able to walk him to his classroom door but after today, that is not allowed.

It continued to rain most of the day so they had indoor recess. And it was POURING when I went to pick him up. Oh well, it's only 8 houses and a field away so it wasn't that bad.

Our next door neighbors - Sydney, 4th grade and Kennedy, 2nd grade
Griffin and his teacher, Mrs. Ward

We are looking forward to a fabulous year!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Sounds like he had a great first day!