Saturday, March 8, 2008

5 year stats

Griffin had a visit to the pediatrician this week for his 5 year check up. I'm happy to report he checks out just fine. He had two shots and did not even flinch or make a peep. He is now done with shots until he is 11 years old. Well, I guess he'll still get a shot each fall since I'm a firm believer in the flu shot. It's hard to believe but the last time he was at the peds office was for his 4 year check up. Our entire family escaped illess this winter. What a blessing!

Griffin was 45 inches tall and 47 pounds. This puts him in the 90th percentile for height and the 85th percentile for weight. He was in the same ranges last year so he's growing just like he should be. The doctor encouraged Griffin to brush his teeth 2 to 3 times a day and to try to eat more veggies (shouldn't we all.)
And you might wonder exactly what Griffin is doing in this picture. His Aunt Barbara sent him some Floam for his birthday. He was making "grapes" with it.

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