Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Sandwich

Griffin made a major breakthrough yesterday. He had a little friend over and I asked them what they wanted for lunch. Griffin wanted macaroni and cheese and Troy wanted a turkey sandwich and chips. Easy enough. They both ate a great lunch.

I went out for dinner with my friend Amy G., so Dallas and Griffin were on their own for dinner. When I got home Dallas said Griffin ate a whole turkey sandwich, crust and all. (Why someone would want to eat the crust is beyond me!) This would be the FIRST time in his life that he has eaten any sandwich other than a grilled cheese. I am so excited. So today for lunch he had a turkey sandwich but decided he likes the open-faced version best. FINE with me. I have also found a brand of sliced turkey meat that he loves and it's all he can talk about. "Is it my Healthy Ones turkey from Meijers?" I went the other day to pick some up and they were out! I tried to fake it with another brand - NO such luck.

Now to get the kid to eat a veggie.


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