Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Life is Good

You won't hear that coming from me in the winter but FINALLY I think "life is good." The windows are opened, I just planted a flat of wave petunias. Griffin is playing next door in the backyard. I just watered all the little green plants I see poking up from the mulch (I love perennials). The kitties have been enjoying the backyard. There is a momma bird in a nest in our big tree. The seeds are continuing to grow. I have on a tank top! It's all good!

And tomorrow it's off to Raleigh, North Carolina for a long weekend. I can't wait!



Hope Atchison said...

Hey friend...I feel like I haven't seen you except in passing. I love flowers too and this great Spring weather. We're the exception because we're really going to MISS the cold! I know, we always get weird looks when we say that or people think I'm kidding. I love the cold and snow! Spring is great to look forward to.

CRSmom said...

So, let me get this like Spring?

Miss and Love ya ;-)