Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

This is a purple lilac bush in the front yard.
This is a white lilac bush in the corner of our backyard.
Raised Vegetable garden.
This is our Ryan Garden. We planted the tree last year and made the bed in the fall. A very kind friend of mine gave me several cuttings of perennials from her yard. I stashed them in my veggie garden for the winter and they ALL survived. Almost the entire bed is from those plants with the exception of 2 rose bushes I bought this Spring and a hosta my next door neighbor brought over on a shovel a couple of weeks ago. Can you see why I love perennials SO MUCH?!? I can't wait to see what this looks like when things start to grow and bloom.I bought this purple rhododendron yesterday to replace one I had in that same spot that died over the winter. It's the only thing currently in bloom since I sure it was force-bloomed in a greenhouse someplace before making it's way to Lowes.

I had a nice mother's day. It started with, unfortunately, not sleeping in. Oh well. We went to early church, Sunday school, then to Outback Steakhouse for lunch. Then I got to do one of my favorite things for the entire afternoon - work in my yard. I planted several new things, did a weed treatment and fertilized most of my plants. I even got in a long walk - it was a beautiful day. Here are some pictures of our yard. For those of you in the south you have to remember, we've only had spring for the past few weeks so nothing is in bloom yet. I'll have to update the pics in a month or so and hopefully you'll see how well my perennials are filling in and adding color to the beds. Also, can you see the little "twigs" in my vegetable garden? I've got tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, onions, sage, cilantro, basil, zucchini planted.

Oh and along these same lines. . . I got a great Mother's day present. Dallas worked very hard on the fence and he "bunny proofed" our backyard. He put wire mesh along the entire perimeter of the fence. Bye bye bunnies. You won't be getting any food in this yard!

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