Monday, May 5, 2008

Carly and Griffin

I feel like I should do an entire post on these two. Can you say "cute." They are good buddies and have a great time together. Carly did such a great job of sharing all her toys with Griffin, which for a 5 year old, is not always an easy thing to do.
This first picture just cracks me up! Carly has LOTS of dress-up clothes but nothing for a boy to wear. So Griffin was a trooper and wore a pretty pink dress with a pink hat (oh, and an Olympic medal around his neck). They put on a Hannah Montana (HM) dance show for us. It was impossible for Stacy and I not to crack up. They were hilarious. Griffin had no idea who HM was before we got there. By the time we left, he was singing the words to several of the songs. They listened to the CD a lot!

This picture tells a great story as well. Carly woke up on Sunday morning declaring it was the day that her and GG (she's called him that since they were one years old) were going to get married. She put on her best dress and had her mom curl her hair. She looked beautiful. It was decided that they would get married at Duke Gardens. Well, somewhere between leaving the house and Duke Gardens, Carly decided, "The wedding is off." It was because GG was not sharing his video games in the car (and I don't blame her one bit for calling it off.) She didn't really want anything to do with having her picture taken with GG but I think there was a bribe involved to snap this one real quick.

We are lucky to have such great friends!

1 comment:

CRSmom said...

AND--we are lucky to have such great friends!