Saturday, May 10, 2008

Garden Update

I've just come back inside from watering my garden. It's only 60 degrees out and very overcast so I don't think the garden is doing much growing today. The sugar snap peas and lettuce seeds have emerged in the past day or two. The 6 tomato plants look good as does the pepper plant and the onions.

Now lets talk about the seeds. They sprouted wonderfully inside and I was anxious to transplant them to the garden. I read that you are suppose to "harden" them before taking them outside. So I took the cover off the "green house" and let them sit for a few days. Then I put them outside for a couple of hours then brought them back inside for a couple of days. Then I planted them. Well, I guess I did something wrong because there is NO sign of my plantings anywhere in the garden, except for 2 jalapeno plants are still going strong at only 2 inches tall.

I ended up buying a cilantro and basil plant and planted them today. I am still holding out hope on some of my flower seeds. I'll wait awhile longer to transplant them.


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