Saturday, September 13, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

I know we are not in South Texas and I know we did not get hit by a hurricane today but man have we had a lot of rain. It started yesterday morning with a mist that lasted most of the day. By evening it was pouring down rain. And today, I don't think it stopped. We have a nice puddle/pool in the low-lying spot of our backyard. The Weather Channel said we might get up to 10 inches of rain this weekend. Ike isn't suppose to be here until Sunday night. I wonder what he'll bring to the area!

Soccer was of course canceled today so Griffin and Dallas did lots of board game playing. They also went to see Clone Wars at the movie theatre. I decided to stay home and go to the gym. I had a bad headache and thought a little exercise might help. I pulled myself together and forged through the rain to LA Fitness. I only lasted 15 minutes and had to come home. I went right to the shower then bed for a nap. I'm happy to say, my headache was gone when I woke up.

We did get in half a game of "Train dominoes" tonight which was fun! It's amazing how well Griffin understands the game.


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