Tuesday, February 10, 2009


There is life after a winter inside, in Chicago!! God blessed us with a SIXTY degree day today. The ugly grey snow is GONE and there is GREEN grass everywhere. I had my sunroof open today while driving. I took an hour long walk around my neighborhood to just enjoy being outside in the sunshine. When Griffin got home from school, we ran to the library (had this planned) then came right home to be outside as long as possible. He rode his bike and scooter and we took a walk. He then played with the neighbors while I shop vacc'ed the garage. It was full of salt and sand and pebbles. I even washed my car. I had to drag out the hose from the garage but it was well worth it! I can now see the color of my car.

It's suppose to rain all day tomorrow then go back to the mid 30's. That's ok. This day of warmth and sunshine was well worth the wait.


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