Friday, February 6, 2009

Weekend plans

What an uneventful week. I think that is a good thing. Dallas was in Brazil for the week so it was just Griffin and I. We had a nice week together. On Wednesday night we went out to Pizza Hut to use Griffin's certificate he got at school for reading a certain number of books. The pizza was bad, the service was terrible but G and I had a fun "date night" together. We also spent some time playing Raving Rabbids on the Wii. What a funny game. You "shoot" your opponents with toilet plungers! Love it!!

We are both very excited for the weekend. I am going scrapbooking with some friends locally for the entire weekend. Bags are almost all packed and I hope to get a LOT of pages done. Griffin is excited because he gets his Daddy all to himself. They are just the best of friends and G really missed Dallas while he was gone. There is a trip to Chuck E. Cheese in their plans for tomorrow. Dallas is already trying to figure out a way to go there without having to eat the horrible pizza!

I'll miss you boys. Have fun together! Love you!

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