Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Christmas Show

This afternoon was the Little Shepard Preschool's Christmas show. Griffin's class has been practicing for nearly two months. They did a wonderful job. Griffin was standing in the middle of the top row - so in other words, front and center. He told me he was very nervous and handled it by pulling down his eyelid and sticking out his tongue. I tried to get a picture but the lighting was so terrible in the sanctuary that I never got one. He did manage to sing a little and had a great time with his friends. We had a big cookie party afterwards and that was his favorite part!
I have a short video to add but I'm still working out the technical difficulities. I'm going to have to enlist the help of my sister-in-law, Jennifer for this!
Please pray for a classmate's dad, Richard, who is very sick in the hospital. Richard and his wife Alex, have 4 boys under 6 years old. Thank you!

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