Thursday, July 17, 2008

The backyard

I think I've talked about our backyard before. Of course I have. It's where the garden is and the sandbox and the fireflies. Oh and our huge Charlie Brown tree. Have I shown you that yet? I'll have to.

When Griffin and Dallas went on their father/son camping trip a few weeks ago one of the things on the schedule was a water balloon fight. Unfortunately, they never got to it but it's stuck in G's mind as to something he wanted to do. So on Saturday we went to Walmart to find water balloons. We were successful and a water balloon fight ensued in our backyard. The two of them had a blast and I've already been to the store to buy MORE balloons.
And if Jennifer would email as to how to post a video, I'd post one on this subject. (hint, hint)

1 comment:

spinning in our own direction said...

Yes the joys of Water ballon fights.. all funa nd games until someone geta black eye.. oh maybe thats just my kids do that. They love to fill up a bunch and then call harley and Hailey down and ambush them. I posted just for you ...