Saturday, July 26, 2008

Progress on Griffin's expander

Well it's been about 11 days since we started turning the key on Griffin's expander. It's going very well. The first night it took us about 2-3 minutes to figure out how to insert the "key" and turn it. Now it takes Dallas about 5-10 seconds. Griffin is very patient and doesn't mind having it done. And the best part is, it does not hurt him at all. We go back to the dentist on August 4th for Dr. Wagner to check the progress. I think he'll be very happy. G's favorite thing is that he gets to use a toothpick whenever necessary to dislodge things that get caught up in there. This is not the best picture of Griffin but you can definitely see that the expander is working. The space between his 2 front teeth is much wider. Before this is all done, it is going to look like he's lost a front tooth; the space will be so big. It will be well worth it in the end because he will have a corrected crossbite and lots of room for his permanent teeth to come in.
One interesting tidbit of trivia the dentist told me is that girls lose their teeth earlier than boys. And when they looked at G's x-rays, they told me it would be at least one more year before he lost one of his.

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