Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Computer Problems

I needed a new fan for my laptop so Dallas went to Fry's to get one. Unfortunately, after it was all taken apart, he realized it was the wrong fan. He quickly put it back together and it appeared to be working. The next morning I went to use it and I could not get on the Internet. OMG! Major problem for me. Oh, I didn't mention Dallas left for El Salvador on a 6am flight and won't be home until midnight on Thursday. So I have no computer access. I am having withdrawals. But I do have a great stay-at-home-mom neighbor that is allowing me to use her computer. What would I do without her! Thanks Jodie. I have on my PJs and brought over a cup of coffee and we're visiting. She's sewing, the kids are playing and I'm being a crazy woman on the computer. I had to stop the mail, stop the newspaper, check the bank balance, look at Facebook, read my "board" and do a quick post here. I have a lot of updates for y'all to read but no means to blog. I guess I could just stay here all day! Just kidding Jodie.

And one more thing - it snowed 6 inches last night! I was out at about 5pm shoveling the driveway. I had to get it done because I was having a dinner party and wanted the ladies to be able to park on the driveway. I was about 1/2 way done and my wonderful neighbor (not Jodie, but Dan) came over with his snowblower and did it for me! Thanks Dan. Then this morning I was shoveling the last 2 inches that fell and he came over AGAIN.

I only know a few of my neighbors and I'm lucky they are as great as they are!


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