was one of those mornings. You know the ones. Griffin decided he couldn't (read. . . wouldn't) do anything himself. It started with the clothing. He couldn't take his pj's off himself so I had to help and while I was at it, could I just put on his clothes too? Then it was breakfast time. I poured the cereal, milk, and OJ. He ate. He couldn't clear his dishes because he *had* to go get something from his backpack right.this.second. Then it was time for shoes. OMG - you would have thought he was putting on shoes he wore in 2005. "They are killing my feet. They are too tight." So I had to adjust socks and put the shoes on for him. Then it came time to brush hair and teeth. I pretty much do this already for him in the morning so I did these two tasks with one major meltdown during the teeth brushing. I'm still not sure what that was all about. And finally, coat, hat, gloves and a scarf. No kid (well, my kid) can put these on himself, so I had to help with these. Into the car we go (7 minutes late) and guess what? He could NOT get the seat belt buckled. So out of the car I go to buckle the belt for him.
I guess my friend Amy put it in perspective for me when I arrived at her house to pick up her son and I said it was a rough morning. She said, "just try multiplying that by THREE!"
So this afternoon, when Griffin gets home from school, instead of watching tv or playing, he'll be practicing all those tasks/chores to make sure he can do them himself tomorrow!!
Good thing he's cute!
Cathi...I do read your blog...am just too lazy to leave comments. Tried to leave a comment several months ago and was unsuccessful, so never tried again.
How much snow do you have?
Ah the joys of uncooperative children! I'm just glad we can skip outerwear on those days :)
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