Thursday, December 4, 2008

Follow up

Dallas thought maybe I should post a follow up to the post from Tuesday. You know the one where I said Griffin would have consequences for his behavior that morning. Here's the story.

I was sitting at the kitchen table when he was dropped off from school. He comes bounding through the door and announces, "Can we go to the bowling alley today?" I was cracking up because I had no idea where this idea came from. I figured they were talking about it in the car and he said no. So I asked him why he wanted to go to the bowling alley today. The response, "Well, mommy, since I can't watch tv or play video games I was trying to come up with something fun for us to do instead." Wow, what a smart kid. And here's why I am telling you about this. I said, "Sure, let's go." We marched right out the door and were on our way. The entire time I'm thinking it's so funny that I said yes and I absolutely did NOT follow through with the consequence.

We got to the bowling alley and there were a lot of cars in the parking lot. I knew this was not a good sign. Sure enough every lane was filled with a high school match. No alley available for us. So we left, got a Slurpee on the way home and played together for the remaining afternoon.

So to my friend who asked for parenting advice this morning - I have no idea what I'm doing!! Well, I guess I do but I'm not doing it very well!


1 comment:

spinning in our own direction said...

O good.. I thought you had gone alittle off your rocker when you said you were going to have him practice .. I thought OMG I woulds never put myself thru that toture of listening to why it wasn't fair he had to practice and the whole meltdown thing.

hmm wonder what Jim Faye would say.. who cares..