Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I knew this day would come

Griffin's class does the green light, yellow light, red light thing for behavior. I think I've even mentioned it here before. Well, the day is finally here that Griffin was on Red. He went from 67 days on Green to Red today. The weird thing is, I happen to be in his classroom today when he went to Red. I saw it with my own two eyes. He crawled up and was about to stand on his table. And it was the third time TODAY that he did it. Safety is the number one priority of the teacher. This behavior is not safe and will not be tolerated. I have a note I have to sign and return tomorrow.

I made Griffin say sorry to his teacher before we left and then he started to cry. He was disappointed because he didn't get a sticker like the other kids. It's the little things, I tell ya.

No consequence at home. We just discussed that we will no longer climb on our table at school or any other place.

The funny thing is when the kids get in the car for the ride home they always ask each other if they were on Green and of course they always are. So when Griffin told them he was on Red, they couldn't believe it!

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