Thursday, October 15, 2009


Today is a day for remembering babies that have gone on before us. Some went on before their mom and dad even knew if they were a boy or a girl. Some went on before their mom could even feel them moving in their tummy. Some moms knew the sex of their baby, felt their baby kick and even held their baby only to have their time of earth shortened by God's magnificent plan.

God's plans and our plans don't always sync up. Ok, hardly ever sync up. But I know and believe it to be true that GOD is in control. He knew us before He even created us. He knew that our babies would only be with us for a short time. He returned our babies to Him well before we wanted.

But I am a better mom to my son living here on Earth because of my son living in Heaven. Ryan is whole and rejoicing with his maker. And Griffin is here with me and for now, God has entrusted him to me. I'm thankful for that.

So to all you mommies who are remembering your children today, know that I remember and am praying for you today.

My son, Ryan Michael would be 7.5 years old today and in 2nd grade. I miss you baby and please know that YOU make a big difference in my life.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I will never forget getting to hold my precios nephew. Thinking if your family today. Give Griffin a squeeze from us.