Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 2

Well today is day 2 of no school for Griffin. It's just too cold to make these kids go outside. Yesterday was filled with Wii tournaments, Play Doh, coloring, tv watching, lots of reading, and some cuddling in my bed when we were just too cold to get warm any other way. So far today on day 2 we've made chocolate chip waffles for breakfast (for Griffin anyway) and played a round of Wii bowling and a baseball game. I won for the first time ever! I just suggested to Griffin that he goes upstairs to get dressed. His response was, "Mommy, I just want to relax some more and watch a show." Like he can't relax with his play clothes on. Oh well, I'm off to clean the bathrooms.

One more thing. Monday is a holiday so this is turning into a 5 day weekend. Had we *known* this, we might have been able to plan a little trip. The only people we know within driving distance are the Stone Family. It would be a great trip but they live in MINNESOTA!! Not sure if I want to go NORTH in this weather.

And, Dallas is leaving Sunday morning for a trip to some Caribbean Island. I guess I'm suppose to feel bad that he has to travel on his weekend but give me a break. He's going to the Caribbean. At least it's suppose to be 20 degrees on Sunday. I think we'll suntan!!



spinning in our own direction said...

were off to swim lessons.. we miss you

Jenn said...

Sounds so chilly. Why is Dallas doing so much travel internationally?